ISO 26234 Functional Requirements on the Resolution System

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ISO 26234 Functional Requirements on the Resolution System

According to ISO 26234, the technology deployed to manage the resolution of the DOI name shall support the functions listed below:

internet compatible: transmission via the global information system that is logically linked by a globally unique address space and communications

first class naming: identifiers resolved by the system shall have an identity independent of any other object

unique identification: the specification by an identifier string of one and only one referent

functional granularity: separate resolution of an object whenever it needs to be distinguished

data typing: The extensible definition of constraints placed upon the interpretation of certain data entries in a resolution record, such that data values with similar constraints can be grouped and treated in the same way.

multiple resolution: the simultaneous return as output of several pieces of current information related to the object, in defined typed data structures
Resolution requests should be capable of returning all associated values of current information, individual values or all values of one data type.

designated authority: The administrator of an identifier shall be securely identified and capable of transfer.

appropriate access to resolution records: Changes to a resolution record shall be recorded and shall be capable of providing access to the data on which the administrator depends and privacy and confidentiality from those who are not dependent on it.

DNS independent but compatible: not reliant on the Domain Name System (DNS), but capable of working with DNS domain naming and resolution services

granularity of administration: DOI names can be administered individually or in groups.


oefficient and infinitely scalable protocol

ono limitations on absolute number of identifiers assigned or length of identifier string

unicode compliant

NOTE  The regular update of the DOI records is crucial to maintain quality services.