Application Examples of the DOI System

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Application Examples of the DOI System

Many millions of DOI names have been assigned to date, through a growing federation of Registration Agencies worldwide. For example:

Crossref manages DOI names for the scientific publishing industry. Its application is used by publishers and societies to enable cross-citation of scholarly publications.

DataCite provides DOI name services for referencing and sharing research outputs and resources, primarily research data sets, text and samples.

The Entertainment ID Registry (EIDR) provides identifiers and associated metadata that are used in the commercial film and video industry, from post-production through broadcast, digital distribution, and reporting.

The British Standards Institution (BSI) Identify uses DOI names in building construction projects to identify the products used in the buildings (interior furnishing, lighting, etc.) and manage their supply chain information.

For more information, see Registration Agencies - Areas of Coverage on the Web site.