Defining the DOI Name Registration Process

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Defining the DOI Name Registration Process

Registration Agencies (RA) support registration of DOI names with an associated metadata declaration. Individual RAs develop their own workflow and procedures for the management of DOI name registration, and metadata deposit and maintenance, and provide their own information to their community of registrants.

The service provided by each RA must include quality assurance measures, so that the integrity of the DOI System as a whole is maintained at the highest possible level (delivering reliable and consistent results to users). This includes ensuring that the DOI record is accurate and up-to-date and that the DOI metadata is consistent and complies with both DOI Kernel and appropriate DOI data model standards.

The general steps of the DOI name registration process are:

1.The registrant sends to the RA data of DOI names to be registered.

2.The RA creates the DOI names by registering them in the Handle System.

3.The RA adds the appropriate registrant data to their metadata service. (At the current time there is no metadata database or mechanism for depositing metadata in a service run by the DOI technical support service provider.)

4.The RA sends to the registrant the registration process results.