Automated Selection of an URL According to Various Criteria

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Automated Selection of an URL According to Various Criteria

Multiple resolution with 10320/LOC element (see Multiple DOI Resolution (Multiple URLs)) can be used to enable a DOI resolver to choose what the outcome of resolving a DOI name will be for a specific user, based on a given criteria. The figure below shows (non-administrative) elements associated with DOI name 10.1525/bio.2009.59.5.9. When this DOI name was registered it had a single URL element (type of URL and value, aka data, equal to a JSTOR URL). A 10320/LOC type was added to provide instructions for offering other resolution options (see 10320/LOC: XML Attributes for information about the XML attributes used in 10320/LOC element). When this record is returned to the DOI Proxy, it recognizes the 10320/LOC type and, if asked to do so, performs an evaluation of the location values based on a given criteria.


Values for: 10.1525/bio.2009.59.5.9







Sun Jan 02 2022 13:32:18 EST



Mon Jul 27 2020 13:18:25 EDT

<locations chooseby="locatt,country,weighted">

<location id="1" cr_type="MR-LIST" href="" weight="1" />

<location id="2" cr_src="unca" label="SECONDARY_BIOONE" cr_type="MR-LIST" href="" country="gb" weight="0" />


The DOI Proxy may be required to (see also DOI Proxy Query Command Format):

ignore type 10320/LOC
In that case, the DOI Proxy would resolve 10.1525/bio.2009.59.5.9 and select the URL value This action would be performed by any DOI resolver not knowing the type 10320/LOC.

resolve 10.1525/bio.2009.59.5.9 and return to the user both of the URLs in the cr_type attributes in the 10320/LOC value, letting the user choose the next action (choose-by mechanism)

resolve 10.1525/bio.2009.59.5.9?locatt=country:gb
In that case, the DOI Proxy would determine the user's geographic location from their IP address. It would then select the URL for users in the UK ("gb" code), and would perform a random selection for all others.

resolve 10.1525/bio.2009.59.5.9?locatt=id:1
In that case, the Crossref metadata service at would be selected.